
While Red Earth Farms does not have an official internship program, individual homesteads sometimes offer internships and other ways you can get involved.

Current Listings

There are no current internship availabilities.

Older Listings -- similar might be available in future

2018 Gardening/Homestead Intern at Dandelion Accepting intern(s) to assist with gardening and off-grid homestead life. Priority given to individuals who are potentially interested in membership in the egalitarian sub-community of Dandelion. Especially interested in women and single moms who are into simple living and are fine with somewhat rustic accommodations. Email: kim [at] for details.

Looking for someone to learn/help manage 30′ x 60′ high-tunnel hoop-house planted in raised-bed permaculture style.

Natural Building & Homesteading internship at Gooseberry Farm: We’re Mark, Alyson, and Cole and for seven years we’ve been working and playing with the homestead we call Gooseberry Farm. As we create our home we’re learning about growing food, building with natural materials, raising a healthy child, and building relationships with our neighbors. We like to share what we’ve learned, so if you want to find out first-hand what it takes to get started on your own homestead, please consider interning with us this summer. Visit this link for more information.